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Module 1
Introduction (1:57)
The 3 parts of addiction (2:44)
Triaging the home (4:39)
What is Plan A? (1:23)
What is accountability? (0:58)
What is structure? (0:36)
Drugs and alcohol, work and school, and behavior at home (7:42)
Common scenarios - Plan A (4:12)
Plan B - intervention and treatment (4:38)
How to choose a treatment facility (7:19)
How to pick an interventionist (0:50)
Plan C - loving from a distance (4:08)
Module 1 take aways and extra help (1:56)
Module 2
Intro to Module 2 (1:50)
What is codependency? (1:47)
What is caretaking? (2:50)
What is enabling? (1:36)
What is people-pleasing? (1:35)
Low self-esteem (1:32)
The blame game (1:23)
Normalizing poor behavior (1:39)
How to heal the family system (2:30)
Consistency, accountability and transparency (2:10)
Tools while your loved one is in recovery (4:18)
Module 2 takeaways (0:41)
Module 3
Intro to Module 3 (2:23)
Step 1: creating a reintegration plan (3:47)
Step 2: outline expectations (3:20)
Step 3: seek resources and community support (2:17)
Sustain success through self-care (3:57)
Module 3 takeaways (1:29)
Course wrap up (2:21)
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Step 1: creating a reintegration plan
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