Comprehensive Support for Families

Petersen Family Counseling

Family Counseling Overview

If your family is struggling with unresolved conflict, family counseling can help. This is particularly true of families contending with issues related to addiction. Regardless of the challenges that your family is facing, counseling is often an important step in the healing process.

Familial relationships are among the most important in an individual’s life, and there’s no question that addiction has a significant impact on each member of a family. Because of the stigma, many families attempt to brush addiction under the rug or make excuses for the addicted person for years. Even if the problem is acknowledged early on, first attempts at finding a solution often fail, leaving the family more fragmented than ever before.

When you love someone (such as a family member) deeply, it can be challenging to navigate the path toward recovery. It’s understandable to cling to the hope that a solution will appear overnight or by the individual’s own accord, but this is almost never the case. Professional intervention and counseling may be necessary to work through trauma, process emotions, and find solutions that benefit the entire family unit.

What Can Be Gained From Family Counseling?

Enhanced Communication Skills

Greater ability to empathize with others

Anger Management Techniques

Establish or rekindle trust with family members

Increased capacity to understand and forgive

Begin the healing process today.

Whether addiction has been a consistent stressor to your family or you’ve just begun to accept the reality that a family member has a problem, counseling is an excellent step to take. Family counseling can be done in conjunction with individual or couples counseling and may provide a valuable safe space to discuss feelings and begin creating a plan of action.

The family system is incredibly important and has a profound impact on each member of the family’s emotional wellbeing. Therefore, addiction affects far more than just the individual struggling with substance abuse, codependency, or similar issues. When you’re ready to begin the healing process and gain a deeper understanding of your loved ones, our team of licensed counselors is here to help you. Our goal is to assist the family in resolving conflicts and to help identify solutions for repairing relationships damaged by addiction.

At Chronic Hope, we understand that many families are hesitant to seek professional help in addressing and treating addiction. This is a sensitive subject, and it’s only natural to give your loved one the benefit of the doubt and as many chances as you can bear. However, unending chances and making excuses ultimately harms your relationship and family unit. If you’re ready to move forward and create a plan for recovery that lasts, our team of experienced counselors is here to help. Our counseling program is designed to rebuild the family system and help your family understand and achieve each step down the path toward recovery. We want to help each member of your family process emotions and find a plan that’s beneficial for all of you. Addiction is challenging to cope with, and so is its impact on the family.

If you’ve tried everything and know that it’s time for meaningful change, please use the button below to arrange an appointment with a member of our team.


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Heal. Grow. Thrive.

We help families and individuals solve problems and address challenges. With offices in Denver and Jacksonville, and telehealth options, The Chronic Hope Institute helps family systems across the country heal from within.